Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Coolest Genealogy You Will Ever Read!!!

Just because I think this is the coolest thing ever... I heard this for the first time during a SWAT weekend last weekend, and I thought it was cool and jotted it down. Then, tonight, I did a little research of my own to make sure what I had was correct (remember the whole, "I can make you believe what I want you to believe"? I didn't want to believe something that wasn't true, no matter how trustworthy I believe the source to be...). So, go read Genesis 5. Before you say, "Morgan, are you sure that reference is correct? I just looked it up, its a genealogy...."Yes, I know it is a genealogy... that really makes you wanna go read it, huh?!  But, go read it... now, that you have done that, we shall begin. It's really cool- God laid out His plan for salvation before the prophets came along to prophesy the coming of Jesus and before Jesus, Himself, walked the planet. God had things under control, but He outlines His plan in Genesis 5. "But Morgan, it's a genealogy! Howcan that outline God's plan?" Watch and see! This is great and makes me really excited!!! So... to start, there is Adam, which means "man", Seth: appointed, Enosh: mortal, Kenan: lamenter, fixed, Mahalalel: praise of God, Jared: descent, Enoch: dedication, Methuselah: Man of a Javlin/ man with a mission, Lamech: for humiliation, Noah: rest.  Now, we can take these names and place them into a sentence (I color coded the meanings so that you can easily identify them :) aren't I so sweet :P )
Man was appointed to be mortal lamenting in a fixed place, but the praise of God descended and was dedicated a man with a mission for humiliation to bring rest
Isn't that just cool? God knew what He was doing from Day 1, and He still knows what He is doing today! He has an ultimate plan at work, and it's something we have to trust is for our good and the good of others! WOW!!!! 

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