Sunday, December 18, 2011

"I do not like them, Sam-I-Am, I do not like green eggs and ham."

So, now that we are on like blog post number 4, I can now kinda get a feel for this whole blog thing… A little serious but yet a little fun all at the same time :D hahahaha It’s rather humorous because I will be doing something and then I will get a revelation and then I will be thinking Hey I could put that in my blog haha- I mean I had those thoughts before but they never ended up anywhere unless they ended up in a letter to my best friend… and I guess I just find it all rather fascinating… 
Real quick before we go any further I am going to place in a couple of disclaimers… 1) this post contains a story which makes it rather long, I’m sorry in advance…so get comfy… 2) I added a bunch of little random thoughts that came to me along the way, so sorry if sentences get kinda broken up by a set of parentheses…just hang on for the ride…
So, a couple of nights ago, my sister wanted to watch the movie Tangled that just came out of DVD. She had just gotten it that day, and it was like 8pm and she wanted to watch it before she went to bed. Well, I knew she was sleeping in my bed with me because my cousin was spending the night so the boys were going to be all over the place and such, and I knew that I did not particularly want to watch Tangled right then. It held very little appeal though I heard it was a decent movie… but then I had an idea… I went up into my brother’s closet and there they were like I knew they would be, the 3 crates of VHSs. I had the bright idea that I was going to show Caitlin some “old” movies that I liked when I was about her age, so I pulled several and told her that she could pick whichever one she wanted and that if she picked a short one, she could watch more than one. While she was picking, I hooked up the VHS player, and then by the time I was done, she had picked out Mary Kate and Ashley’s sleepover movie. I remember being around her age and loving Mary Kate and Ashley, they’re movies were mesmerizing when I was like 6 (and now look where the stars end up…so sad… haha). Caitlin is holding the tape and goes “How does this work?” as she is beginning to twist the little white turny things on the back to which I suddenly slightly yell “Don’t do that, you’re going to break it.” and after a short explanation, I put the tape in, and we watch the movie. It is absolutely amazing at how our opinions and likes and stuff change over time. I was watching the movie thinking “I really liked this? They can’t sing at all and the acting is rather cheesy and the 90’s clothing is just awful…”  Caitlin at least found it funny and seemed to enjoy like I did around that age (I just hope she doesn’t ask to watch it again anytime soon- I don’t know how my mom put up with me watching movies over and over haha) and then because it was a short movie, she got to pick another one, which she picked Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham (it also included the Sneetchs and the Zax). I’ve always like Dr. Seuss and still enjoy picking one up every now and then- the man was a genius, who else can create a cool story about feet (The Foot Book- it was always my favorite for some reason and still is), a cat wearing a super tall hat with a talking goldfish, or I don’t know (put your favorite Dr. Seuss Book title and subject here)… He has written books that have become classics… 
I read Caitlin Green Eggs and Ham recently and then I found myself laying in my bed watching the 90’s sing along version (it’s some pretty darn good singing if you know what I mean)… and it was all good and then we watch another movie that had to do with the Easter bunny…
You are probably wondering what on earth is Morgan’s connection here (I told you in post uno, I don’t tell short stories…just go ask my mom, she has to listen to all my stories… it’s amazing she still listens at all :P ) So, tonight I was continuing on with my current Bible study and it involved looking at Psalms 34. I’m reading it and processing as I go along, and then I came to verse 8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good…” it keeps going but that first part caught my eye… Taste and see that the Lord is good…almost instantly my mind jumps to Green Eggs and Ham… George’s(I don’t think we are ever told his name, so I am going to name him George) whole thing throughout the book until the end (hopefully I don’t ruin the story for anyone…so if you haven’t read it you need to stop reading, cover your eyes, turn around, uncover your eyes, and walk away and read the book- in that order) is that he doesn’t like Green Eggs and Ham. He does not like them Sam I am. But at the end of the story after going on his little adventure, George tastes Green eggs and Ham (how exactly do you make ham that size green?) and he likes them. George sees that they are good. I wonder how often we play that game with God. Taste and see that the Lord is good. We know God is good; we are taught that since preschool sunday school, and if you weren’t brought up in the church, then I bet you heard that God was good from the start. I mean after all, He must be pretty darn good if he gave up his only begotten Son. I wonder how often God holds out something good to us, and we automatically tell him we don’t like that. (God: Hey, I’ve got this cool trip all planned out for you. It’s in the middle of the Slovakia- you are going to bring my good news to some people out there.   Person: You know God, I’m not feeling Slovakia- I haven’t really been there before and it’s in the middle of Europe… can’t we do somewhere cool like, I don’t know, somewhere in the Caribbean, where it’s warm?) God holds out a super cool opportunity, not necessarily in Slovakia (I just pulled up a map of Europe and picked a country in the center), but anywhere or anything, and we just say No, sorry God, that’s not it; you know I haven’t done that or tried that before and I just don’t think it’s gonna work. Sorry. Try again with something else, kay? 
I wonder how much we miss when we hold God kinda at bay and don’t fully soak in all of his blessings and opportunities. We get an opportunity to share our faith with a friend yet we hold out because we don’t know if it’s going to work or not. We get an opportunity to show God’s love to a random person, but we decide not to because the outcome is uncertain. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Maybe we should be like George, and try the Green Eggs and Ham, and most likely almost 99% of the time if God is in it, we are going to like it in the end, just like George. So, maybe we need to change our words from “I do not like them” to “Wow those are pretty good, can I get some more?” 
Taste and see that the Lord is good.

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