Sunday, March 31, 2013

THE question.

I know I haven’t a blog post now in quite some time… Has Jesus been doing big things in my life? Heck yes! He’s rocked my boat and my world! Just nothing to necessarily blog about… But tonight, I was doing Morgan Jesus Time, as I call it, and I was just reading in John- started in chapter 13 and went through till like chapter 18- I remember I stopped right before Peter denies Jesus for the first time. I wanted to soak in all that I had just read and focus on the things that stuck out. Several things did, but mainly, John 13:38. In that one verse, Jesus asks Peter a question- “Would you really lay your life down for me?” Wow. What a question. Would you REALLY lay YOUR life down for ME? I just sat in silence focusing on that one verse, that one question, and felt Jesus asking me the same thing. “Morgan, would you really lay your life down for me?” It’s really easy to say, “Yes, of course, Jesus, I would totally lay my life down for you.” It’s just so easy, but then I sat on the question a little longer, and I could feel the emphasis on the “really.” But would I REALLY lay down my life for him. I had to put it in gruesome context. I’m one those people that is constantly making movies in their head- and I learned recently that I’m not the only person that does this, though this may be the first time that I’ve ever admitted it… haha but I really had to picture myself in the situation. It would be so easy to say, “Yes, I believe in Jesus and claim Him as my Lord and Savior,” if death was going to be instantaneous. But what if it was going to be a prolonged, awful process? What if there would be a ton of horrific pain involved? Would I still be willing to stand for Him? Would I really be willing to endure that pain and suffering?
As I sat there, really pondering that question, really feeling the weight of it, I felt all the fear of that pain leave; I felt His courage and strength. I found myself more grieved over those I would leave behind.
And so the question is now yours. If Jesus looked at you eye to eye today and asked, “Would you really lay your life down for me?” what would you say?