Monday, April 8, 2013

Life Lesson in Obedience

Some of you have heard me talk about my potential career choices over the last month of so, or have heard me talk about going to school to be a nurse. It has been quite a journey, so for those interested, I will explain how I got here and the official decision.

I have always dreamed about going into the medical field. It started officially around 1st or 2nd grade when I wanted to be a vet, and then that became a doctor, which became an onocologist, which became a Physician's Assistant, which would become a nurse/ Nurse Practitioner. All of my college career has been centered around going into the medical field. I've lived and breathed the dream, even have spent hours volunteering at the hospital.

Most people know that I transferred to Kennesaw from the UGA. I remember it being a hard decision to leave because all of my friends were there. I had established a life for myself in Athens, that I was quite fond of and hated to lose. But I knew if I wanted to become a nurse, I wouldn't have a choice. I would have to transfer once again. They always say that 3 times in the charm right; this would be my third college.

When I began registering for classes, I knew that I needed to Microbiology and Anatomy II done because they were my last two nursing prerequisites. In July, I began to fight for them. I got Anatomy II eventually, but no Micro. No big deal, there is always Spring Semester. Spring comes around, and I don't get it again. Okay, no big deal, there is always the summer. I was certain that I would get it in the summer, but then I discovered that I got an awful registration date again for no reason. I watched the class fill up before my eyes, and the last seat was taken 2 hours before I could register.

My prayer prior to that registration time was, "God if you want me to become a nurse, allow me to get Micro, but if not, I'll do something else." After much thought, I realized that teaching was that "something else." And I prayed and prayed and prayed for God to guide me into the right path. I didn't want to end up in the wrong career. I wanted to be where I could do the most work with my gifts and talents to glorify Him. With Kennesaw gone, my last option was Georgia Perimeter College, a community college not too far away. I had my transient stuff in to GPC back in February, but I continued to pray, "God if you want me to be a nurse, let me get Micro, and if not, then don't let me." I watched GPC open their registration, but I wouldn't be able to register for a quite a while due to the fact that I was a transient student. I watched seats filling up.

Last Monday, I was praying and doing my quiet time, and the last post came out of that quiet time. But in that quiet time, I heard God say, "Morgan, this is a decision that you have to make yourself." The problem was that I didn't want to make the decision. The next night, I slept very little because quite honestly I was wrestling with God. I wanted Him to tell me where to go. I wanted Him to come down in a booming voice or send an angel or something. I wanted to know exactly where to go, but no answer was given. I woke up the next morning frustrated, and even remember txting my best friend at one point warning her that I was in a very grumpy mood. "Grumpier than Grumpy Cat," was the way I phrased it. By the end of the day, I had chilled out some, and just began to trust God that He would guide me. In Bible Study that night, I sat in my prayer group and cried because I didn't know what to do, but on my drive home, I just felt such peace about being a teacher.

The next day, my GPC registration opened, and yes, there were still seats, as I knew there would be, because God said, "You have to make this decision yourself." I decided that I was going to be a teacher, but as back up insurance, just in case, I decided I would go ahead and pick up the class and decide by the day's end. I went to register, and it said that I couldn't due to a prerequisite, which is a much longer story. The point is that from that I called the school, blah blah blah, and I found out how I could get the class if I really wanted it. But, I prayed about it, and I remember that my prayer had been, "God if you want me to be a teacher, don't let me get the class." I took that as God's hand, and set myself to be a teacher.

For the first couple of days, I was good with that; being a teacher would be good. With teaching, I could help hurting students and build relationships, the thing I cherish more than anything else. I could impact students, and I was quite happy with that goal and idea. But Saturday the doubting came, and I wasn't sure if this was completely right. I was able to pick up a Micro class for the Fall as insurance once again, and decided that I would officially decide when I got my nursing school letter, but I had taken this whole concept as God telling me to slow down and smell the roses. I have had this mindset for a while to hurry and get done with school. So, God said slow down, and I decided I wouldn't take summer classes, and planned on hopefully going on the mission trip with SWAT.

This evening, I got an email. A seat opened up at Kennesaw for Micro for the summer. I was shocked an dumbfounded, and honestly, I didn't know immediately what to do. Then, I was reminded of my prayer. "God if you want me to be a nurse, allow me to get Micro, and if you want me to be a teacher, then keep me from getting it." Here was this class at Kennesaw, sitting in my lap, and so I have taken it.

I have realized that the lesson here was one in obedience. "Morgan, how far will you go for me? Will you lay down the dream you've held so tightly for so long for Me? Will you journey on an unknown path?"Yes, Lord I will. Will I go on the mission trip this summer? No, but I will be able to using nursing to go on more trips than I could ever imagine. I've learned the necessity of praying through. I've learned the necessity of listening and resting in the Lord and allowing Him to guide.

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