Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Response to the Response

As the week has progressed since I posted my initial response about the Marriage Isn’t For You concept, I have talked to people about the concept. Honestly, I was really shocked at some of the answers I heard- a lot of people think that it’s a great idea, but that it is harder said than done and so it’s not really a realistic goal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Response to Marriage Isn't For You

Yesterday, a dear friend of mine emailed the group of us the article about marriage not being for you. I saw the article probably soon after it was written, but didn't have time to read it. When Tammy sent it to me yesterday, I finally sat down and read it. She asked the group for replies of our opinions, and so I wrote mine out. Below is a copy of that. I felt like it might be worth sharing.