Monday, April 21, 2014

The Farewell As One Door Closes.

This past weekend was Ignite 2.0 in SWAT, which is like the sending off party for the SWAT leaders that are leaving the ministry for numerous different reasons. While I wasn't physically there, I was there in spirit ;) and since my name is one of those leaving, I was reflecting on my time and adventures that have occurred since becoming a SWAT leader.

I will never forget that night sitting in my UGA dorm room, when I was being nosey about what this SWAT Ministries thing that John Pridgen was posting about on Facebook. I remember thinking that it was probably some summer camp or something. Before I knew it, I was interviewing, which I remember was this chaotic day because it was Game Day in Athens, and there was so much traffic. I was almost late, as they were just about to begin when I arrived. Two weeks later, I remember sitting at lunch at my favorite southern food restaurant back home and got the email that I was accepted as a leader! I was ecstatic! When I graduated high school, I was really sad to leave youth ministry and the behind the scenes work, and so to get a position doing youth ministry and leading DNow's was a dream come true at that time. I would then go through Ignite, the training weekend, with the amazing Laura Akin as my leader (though she wasn't Akin at the time!), and it was that weekend that my friendship with Alyson Bond was formed!

Since that weekend, I have done around 20 SWAT weekends and had a blast. I have done most of the super fun SWAT things- I've led some incredible students, became a rec leader with all of the incredible fun games (Circle the Wagon, anyone?), became a regional intern, "Peshti-went" to Peshtigo, WI, led a house at Ignite, did crazy things for scavenger hunts, travelled literally all across the state and even into Alabama.

SWAT has blessed me in such incredible ways. The students have blessed and taught me more than I think that I've taught them, and I have met incredible people and made some awesome friends.
If it wasn't for this ministry, I wouldn't have my best friend. I mean there was that crazy weekend in Marietta where she was my trainee, and we danced and sang to Taylor Swift all weekend long. That forms lifelong friendships right there. That was the weekend my group won the scavenger hunt game- we traded our penny up and up until we got to a trampoline. Boom. Also, that was also the weekend where we got to scare kids in the dark and take their candy. (Soooo much fun!) haha And then there was that weekend months later that she would throw me into a pool while I was fully dressed. -_-

I think back, and I have so many stories. Some are hysterically funny, and some are full of heartbreak. Each time I thought I had heard it all, a student would surprise me with some new one, but I wouldn't trade the sleepless nights and the being super incredibly tired for anything.

I have loved this journey. It has been chaotic and crazy, but something I wouldn't change. It has grown me in so many areas. While this door is closing, I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me, as I plant my roots down. I have hung up the traveling shoes for a pair that stay more within the same area. I'm so excited to see all that God has in store!