Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Response to the Response

As the week has progressed since I posted my initial response about the Marriage Isn’t For You concept, I have talked to people about the concept. Honestly, I was really shocked at some of the answers I heard- a lot of people think that it’s a great idea, but that it is harder said than done and so it’s not really a realistic goal.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My Response to Marriage Isn't For You

Yesterday, a dear friend of mine emailed the group of us the article about marriage not being for you. I saw the article probably soon after it was written, but didn't have time to read it. When Tammy sent it to me yesterday, I finally sat down and read it. She asked the group for replies of our opinions, and so I wrote mine out. Below is a copy of that. I felt like it might be worth sharing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Flaming Arrows Caught and Extinguished

Lately, I have heard a lot of spiritual warfare. I have come to the conclusion that all churches and ministries and everything, all secretly collaborate to come up with a topic. Spring 2012 it was relationships and dating and marriage, now Fall 2013 is Spiritual Warfare. I’ve heard it at SWAT, I’ve heard it at church, I’ve heard it on the C.S. Lewis Institute of Atlanta website- this month is focused on Spiritual Warfare, we’ve talked about it in Bible Study, and it seems like the list goes on and on.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Ebenezer Moment

I wrote a blog post of few nights ago about unusual circumstances and such, and I mentioned that I have several going on at this given moment. Four to be exact on top of my already chaotic and unusual life- not many nursing students choose to work part time, serve as a regional ministry intern, be incredibly active in their church, don’t forget my family either, oh and there is that little thing called exercising that I try to make important. Let’s be honest, I’m a stress addict just like I’m a caffeine addict. No, there is almost never a day that I do nothing. I am always doing something, and there is always something to be done. I make a point of doing a little quiet time when I get up and when I go to bed, but other than that, I’m constantly going. [For those used to Morgan talking about Nap Time. That no longer exists. It was one of the first unnecessary things cut from the schedule.]

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Start of A New Beginning

I'm actually handwriting this post and then typing it up, and I happen to be doing it in a composition book that I found in my room at home-home (aka: my parent's house). It's actually the book I got when I joined SWAT a couple years back. It has the logo glued on the front and everything.

I look over the past few years- from the actual real beginning of my college career (scrap that pre-college stuff) up until now. If someone had told me before I began at UGA, what all the next few years would entail, I most definitely wouldn't have believe him. I would have laughed and said "It's not possible. There is no way."

Monday, April 29, 2013

Go Find "x".

I should fair warn all of you that this post has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or God or Christianity. I supposed that I could probably find some way to connect it, but that would require changing the story of which I am very proud. So, here is my story on why we do math. I will warn you that this will show my slightly nerdy side, but I love my story all the same! :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Life Lesson in Obedience

Some of you have heard me talk about my potential career choices over the last month of so, or have heard me talk about going to school to be a nurse. It has been quite a journey, so for those interested, I will explain how I got here and the official decision.

I have always dreamed about going into the medical field. It started officially around 1st or 2nd grade when I wanted to be a vet, and then that became a doctor, which became an onocologist, which became a Physician's Assistant, which would become a nurse/ Nurse Practitioner. All of my college career has been centered around going into the medical field. I've lived and breathed the dream, even have spent hours volunteering at the hospital.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

THE question.

I know I haven’t a blog post now in quite some time… Has Jesus been doing big things in my life? Heck yes! He’s rocked my boat and my world! Just nothing to necessarily blog about… But tonight, I was doing Morgan Jesus Time, as I call it, and I was just reading in John- started in chapter 13 and went through till like chapter 18- I remember I stopped right before Peter denies Jesus for the first time. I wanted to soak in all that I had just read and focus on the things that stuck out. Several things did, but mainly, John 13:38. In that one verse, Jesus asks Peter a question- “Would you really lay your life down for me?” Wow. What a question. Would you REALLY lay YOUR life down for ME? I just sat in silence focusing on that one verse, that one question, and felt Jesus asking me the same thing. “Morgan, would you really lay your life down for me?” It’s really easy to say, “Yes, of course, Jesus, I would totally lay my life down for you.” It’s just so easy, but then I sat on the question a little longer, and I could feel the emphasis on the “really.” But would I REALLY lay down my life for him. I had to put it in gruesome context. I’m one those people that is constantly making movies in their head- and I learned recently that I’m not the only person that does this, though this may be the first time that I’ve ever admitted it… haha but I really had to picture myself in the situation. It would be so easy to say, “Yes, I believe in Jesus and claim Him as my Lord and Savior,” if death was going to be instantaneous. But what if it was going to be a prolonged, awful process? What if there would be a ton of horrific pain involved? Would I still be willing to stand for Him? Would I really be willing to endure that pain and suffering?
As I sat there, really pondering that question, really feeling the weight of it, I felt all the fear of that pain leave; I felt His courage and strength. I found myself more grieved over those I would leave behind.
And so the question is now yours. If Jesus looked at you eye to eye today and asked, “Would you really lay your life down for me?” what would you say?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Perspective, Focus, Joy.

I think it’s amazing how much perspective can play a role in our thought process. If I am caught up in a worldly perspective, then I will have world thoughts. If I am caught up in a spirit-led perspective, then I will have spirit led thoughts, which is exactly what Romans 8:5-11 talks about, “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.” (verse 5, NRSV)