Monday, April 29, 2013

Go Find "x".

I should fair warn all of you that this post has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or God or Christianity. I supposed that I could probably find some way to connect it, but that would require changing the story of which I am very proud. So, here is my story on why we do math. I will warn you that this will show my slightly nerdy side, but I love my story all the same! :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Life Lesson in Obedience

Some of you have heard me talk about my potential career choices over the last month of so, or have heard me talk about going to school to be a nurse. It has been quite a journey, so for those interested, I will explain how I got here and the official decision.

I have always dreamed about going into the medical field. It started officially around 1st or 2nd grade when I wanted to be a vet, and then that became a doctor, which became an onocologist, which became a Physician's Assistant, which would become a nurse/ Nurse Practitioner. All of my college career has been centered around going into the medical field. I've lived and breathed the dream, even have spent hours volunteering at the hospital.