Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Year In Mini Note Cards

This past year, 2013, I decided to attempt to do one of those DIY projects from Pinterest. I took a coffee can, covered it in some decorations and cut a hole in the top, and placed inside good memories and blessing from the year.

I just got to open up the canister and revel in the contents, reliving memories, praising God for how much He has blessed me. I am incredibly blessed in every area of life. Yeah, life may not go my way sometimes and there are desert seasons, but God is still faithful and He still rains down little blessings. 

Some statistics from my little adventure: 
Total cards: 76
Family References: 13
DNow Weekends: 9
Random: 9
God Moments: 8
School: 7
Cobb Vineyard Church: 6
Kayla: 5
Rachel: 4
Tammy: 3
Beach Vacation: 3
Alyson: 2
Carli: 1

And then the pictures of a few:

It is true. I am blessed beyond compare with absolutely amazing parents. 

So incredibly blessed by this Godly woman and the time that I get to spend with her and her family! I love the Bingo nights, especially because the reward is coupons for free pizza, and I love the ways that we are so much alike. She challenges me to go deeper with God and go outside my comfort zone. 

Oh the beach. The place where my heart is the moment content :)
I have incredibly blessed by this ministry, not only because of the God moments that I get out of the weekends and events, but all the friends that I have gained through SWAT. Some of my closest friends that I wouldn't want to ever lose, I gained through SWAT. 
Oh, Magiquest in Myrtle Beach. Yes, a 15 and 20 year old are running through the place like 5 year olds but trying to logically reason out the locations of the quests. We are Master Magi's. 
And one could definitely not ever forget Miss Kayla, also known as the Duck Plucker to some. Her friendship over the last year has grown me in ways that I never imagined. She challenges me and uses blunt answers, and it's perfect. She is incredible, amazing, and I wouldn't trade her for the world (Okay, sometimes I would, but usually I wouldn't ;) I'm kidding!)
Alyson Bond. You know I've always wanted to make a Bond joke about her last name, but I figure that she probably gets enough of them already. She's incredible, and she, too, challenges me and isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. Over this last year, she has grown me in ways that I never expected, and I had a blast during it. I love the moments when I get to sit down with her and catch up and talk about everything in existence. :)
And this one is for the amazing Kelsey Miller. She knows what it means, and I'm sure she's laughing right about now. 
So much great experience with amazing nurses! 
Rainy Afternoon Fun! I have a pretty amazing roommate, that I really wouldn't trade. She puts up with me way too much and way too well. Someone should give her an award. 
I love my job, and I love the company I work for. If you don't have a Picture Keeper, you should go buy one right now! This job has blessed me way more than I thought it would! I really do love Picture Keeper. It may not be the long term career for me, but I love it for the moment!
I do have some amazing, awesome friends both through SWAT (John, Alyson, Caroline, Jerod, and the list could go on forever) and through Bible Study (Tammy, Lynn, Kelleigh, Amanda, Jessie, and that list could go on for a while too). 
Live life to the fullest. Stop and smell the roses a time or two. 

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